Sunday, September 4, 2011

Today, I am alright.

We went to the aquarium on Wednesday (5 days ago) and it feels like we took this picture a million years ago.
It's only been a few days since he left, but I'm already starting to (I think) get the hang of it. the time difference, the bad connection, the lack of communication, these are all things that I can handle… I feel like this because I haven't cried at all today. I made myself a promise that I wouldnt let this deployment consume me, and that I won't allow myself to project my sadness upon him - all it does is make him feel worse.
I refuse to let these feelings get the best of me. I've committed to staying busy, keeping a positive mindset, and being as strong as possible. I'll give myself little breakdowns here and there, but only when completely necessary.
Usually, I'm really bad at seeing the silver lining in things, but I find myself really trying to keep my head up about this deployment. As much as I hate it, I find myself feeling alright with the separation; being away from him is something I've already dealt with. If I look at this in small increments with little countdowns here and there, then the time will pass much quicker than either of us realize.
I can do this.
Today, I am alright.

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